The Fund For Latino Scholarship



The Fund for Latino Scholarship

Applications for the 2024 cycle are now open! The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2024.

The Fund’s primary goal is to encourage and support the recruitment, retention, and promotion of political scientists students and scholars who study and research Latina/o politics.(especially students and tenure track junior faculty). Grants will be made to individuals, institutions, and projects whose purposes most clearly match the goals of the Fund, and whose proposals most persuasively demonstrate capacity for successful completion.

Read about the 2023 Fund for APSA Latino Scholarship Awardees

The fund will award grants to initiatives that:

  1. provide professional opportunities and financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students and Scholars who study and research on political science topics related to Latina/o politics;
  2. support the teaching, research and publishing activities of contingent, junior-level, tenure track, and other political science faculty whose main area of academic focus is Latina/o politics; and
  3. support research projects on Latino/a politics.
Support the Fund for Latino Scholarship

Gifts from members and friends like you to the Fund for Latino Scholarship are always appreciated and help APSA promote opportunity and achievement in political science. Contribute Now!