Ideas, Knowledge and Politics Award Recipients

More on the Ideas, Knowledge and Politics section

Best Book Award
Best Graduate Student Paper

Best Book Award
The Ideas, Knowledge, and Politics (IKP) section announces its Best Book Award, for the best recent work on empirical or normative aspects of the role of ideas or knowledge in politics or government. The committee is authorized to go back several years, at its discretion, and to make its own nominations as well as accepting nominations from others, including book authors. Nominated books published in 2019 or previous years should be sent to committee members with a note or email message specifying that the book is being nominated. If only one copy of the book is available, please communicate this to the committee member to whom the book is sent.

2023 Adam Lerner, University of Massachusetts Lowell
From the Ashes of History: Collective Trauma and the Making of International Politics, Oxford University Press, 2022.
2022 Jeffery Friedman, Harvard University
Power Without Knowledge: A Critique of Technocracy, Oxford University Press, 2019.

Vivien Schmidt, Boston University
Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy. Oxford University Press, 2020.

2020  Christina Boswell, University of Edinburgh
The Political Uses of Knowledge. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
2019  Robert E. Goodin, Australian National University
An Epistemic Theory of Democracy, Oxford University Press, 2018.

Kai Spiekermann, London School of Economics
An Epistemic Theory of Democracy, Oxford University Press, 2018.

2018 Helene Landemore, Yale University
Democratic Reason, Princeton University Press, 2013.


Best Graduate Student Paper
This award will recognize the APSA conference paper by a graduate student or post-doc, presented at an IKP panel at the most recent annual meetings, that best explored the role of ideas or knowledge in politics or government. Nominations will be solicited from IKP panel chairs and discussants.

2021 Anke Gruendel, New School for Social Research
"The Politics of Wicked Problems"

Matthew Benjamin Cole, Harvard University
“Toward a Critical Theory of Technology: Power, Knowlege, and Elite Domination”


Naomi Scheinerman, Yale University
"When the Left and Right Make Strange Bedfellows: Vaccinations and Democracy"

2018 Kevin J. Elliott, Columbia University
"The Division of Epistemic Labor and Democratic Performance"