For Section Officers and Organizers

Congratulations on becoming an APSA organized section officer.  You will find instruction manuals, schedules, and important documents that will aide you in your position throughout the year. 




  Organized Section Treasurer Resources

Process for Submitting Organized Section Payment Requests

Moving forward, all section payment requests are to be submitted through the new secure Organized Section Payment Request Form. Section officers can access the form by logging in using their APSAnet.org credentials.  Forms are to be submitted by either the section chair or treasurer.  Forms submitted by anyone outside of these positions will be returned.  Forms should not be submitted until all required information is included and only one form should be submitted for each payment. Utilizing this system will allow APSA to better streamline the payment process.  Any payment forms submitted via email will be directed to be resubmitted through the application.

APSA Membership dues, Organized Section dues, and Annual Meeting registration fees are non-reimbursable expenses.  For further information on eligible reimbursements please email membership@apsanet.org

Blank Forms

If you have any questions please contact membership@apsanet.org